Massage Schools Directory

Become a Massage Therapist: Find a Massage School in Arizona

Our massage school directory assists massage therapy students find a massage school that is best suited to their individual needs. We highlight and review a variety of massage schools in the AZ. We also list the licensing requirements to become a massage therapist in Arizona.

Massage Degrees, Massage Schools, Continuing Education and Massage Certification Programs in Arizona

Massage Therapy Schools in Arizona

Arizona State Massage Therapist licensing requirements: Massage therapy is an exciting and growing profession, with more people entering the field every year. What some people fail to realize is that there are specific requirements for education and certification before you can become a therapist. The requirements for a massage therapist in Arizona are as follows:
  • 700 clock hours of massage therapy education at a school which was accredited within its state
  • Passing scores on the NCBTMB or MBLEX certification exams

Arizona School of Massage Therapy

Arizona School of Massage Therapy

Tempe and Phoenix AZ
The degree program at Arizona School of Massage Therapy has several advantages:
  • The entire program can be completed in only 7 months.
  • The school has two branches, located in Phoenix and Tempe.
  • The school is part of the Utah College of Massage Therapy (UCMT), a family of schools that have a recognized quality.

[ Get Info on the Arizona School of Massage Therapy ]

Cortiva School of Massage - Scottssdale, AZ

Cortiva School of Massage

Scottsdale, AZ
The Cortiva School of Massage in Scottsdale also has several features:
  • It is located in Scottsdale, a city with many educational programs and opportunities for massage therapy.
  • Maternity and Infant Massage -a more recent innovation that is available at only a few schools.
  • The program can be taken in 6 or 12 months, and concludes with full certification in Arizona, as long as students pass the state exams.

[ Get Info on the Cortiva School of Massage in Scottsdale ]

Southwest Institute of Healing Arts

Southwest Institute of Healing Arts

Tempe, AZ
The Southwest Institute of Healing Arts in Tempe has several advantages:
  • The school offers programs in many other disciplines, including yoga, nutrition, hypnotherapy, and more.
  • The institute offers excellent information on its website and even a number of classes online.
  • This school is one of the more innovative and one of the best when it comes to cross-disciplinary integration.

[ Get Info on the Southwest Institute of Healing Arts ]

Carrington College (formerly known as the Apollo College)

Tuscon, Mesa and Phoenix, AZ
Apollo College in Tuscon, Mesa and Phoenix has recently been rebranded as Carrington College. There are several advantages for this program:
  • The school has full medical programs in nursing, dental and more. Some clients may regard this a matter of greater credibility, since you will have graduated from a recognized medical institution.
  • Besides the three locations in Arizona, the school has 10 other branches across the West, as well as online classes.

Arizona College of Allied Health

Arizona College of Allied Health

Tempe, AZ

[ Get Info on the Arizona College of Allied Health ]

Choosing a Massage School in Arizona

There are certainly some challenges involved in obtaining certification for massage therapy, but as long as you find the right school, the profession is accessible for almost anyone. Do the necessary research beforehand to locate a good school, and then invest the time and energy to attain your massage therapy dream. You will never regret the investment you made!